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Privacy notice

The Bennett Institute for Innovation & Policy Acceleration is committed to respecting your privacy. This notice explains how we use any personal information we collect about you and your rights in relation to it. This notice covers the following:

  • overview
  • the basis for processing your personal data
  • personal data we collect about you and how we use it
  • retention of personal data
  • disclosure of personal data
  • your rights including access to information and correction
  • cookies
  • other websites
  • how to contact us


Welcome to Bennett Institute for Innovation & Policy Acceleration (the “”) led by the University of Sussex Business School. For the purpose of the website, the University of Sussex is the data controller and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a data controller under registration reference Z6428144.

You can refer to the University’s Data Protection Policy for more information about our commitment to processing personal data in a way that is compliant with data protection legislation, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

If you have any queries concerning your personal data and how it is processed, you can contact the University’s Data Protection Officer at

The Basis for Processing your personal data 

We process personal information to enable us to undertake research related to the Bennett Institute for Innovation and Policy Acceleration and to engage with individuals about our research. 

When we process personal data, there needs to be a legal basis for doing so. Further information can be found on the ICO’s website.

The Bennett Institute for Innovation & Policy Acceleration processes personal data on the basis of our public task – the purpose of the University is to advance learning and knowledge through research and teaching, so our research activities form part of our public task. In some cases, we rely on an individual’s consent to process their personal data. In other cases, our legal basis may be legitimate interests namely the interests of the University or others, but taking into account the rights of individuals.

Personal data we collect about you and how we use it

We process personal data as part of our research; through discussion, events, publications and engagement with individuals and organisations. This includes, for example, personal data you provide when registering for events, joining our mailing list and subscribing to our newsletter, or contributing to blogs.

Data will include your name and other basic identifiers, contact information, IP address and location data, and any other personally identifying information that you share, for example when contributing to chats or commenting on our blog posts.

For more general information about how we use personal data at the University, see our University Privacy Notice.

Retention of personal data

The University will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed – in this case our research purposes – and, where we process personal data on the basis of consent, it will not be retained after the end of the Bennett Institute for Innovation & Policy Acceleration.

Disclosure of personal data

We will only disclose your personal data to a third party when we are required to by law, where we have your specific consent, or where appropriate arrangements are in place with regard to data sharing.

We use a number of third parties to facilitate our website including hosting services, encryption services and data centres. We also use third parties such as Eventbrite and Mailchimp, Hubspot and CookiesYes to facilitate bookings for events and to stay in touch with people and to manage the website cookies.

Whenever we use a third party that process personal data on our behalf, we ensure that appropriate contractual arrangements are in place to ensure the same level of data protection.

Some third parties may transfer or hold data outside of the United Kingdom. Where that is the case, we ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect personal data.

Your rights including access to information and correction

You have a number of rights under the Data Protection legislation, including the right:

  • to rectify inaccuracies in personal data that we hold about you
  • to be forgotten in some circumstances, that is your details to be removed form systems that we use to process your personal data
  • to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain ways
  • to obtain a copy of your data in a commonly used electronic form
  • to withdraw consent where that is the legal basis of our processing
  • to object to certain processing of your personal data by us

Further information about your rights can be found on the ICO’s website. You may also contact the Data Protection Officer for further information.

You also have the right to ask to see what personal data we hold about you, known as a subject access request. For more information, refer to our Data Protection pages for guidance on how to submit subject access requests.

You have a right to complain to the ICO about the way in which we process your personal data. Information on how to report concerns to the ICO.


Our website, like most, uses cookies. You can prevent their use through your browser settings, but you will then not be able to use all the functionality of our website. 

We provide more information about the cookies we use in our Cookies page.

Other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites that are outside our control and are not covered by this privacy notice. Our notice only applies to the website so when you link to other websites, you should read their own privacy policies.

In particular, the website may include embedded video and audio content from YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud and other websites. Embedded content from those other websites behaves in the same way as if the visitor had visited the other websites directly. Those websites may collect personal data, use cookies etc. – their own privacy policies should be read for further information.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how the website processes personal data, you can contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at or you can write to the Data Protection Officer, University of Sussex, Sussex House, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH

Last updated: 30th July 2024