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What are we working on?

Our focus is on addressing climate change, one of the biggest threats facing the planet. We have identified some priority areas for our work, grouped into broad research themes.

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Explore our research

Meet Felix Creutzig, Bennett Chair and Professor of Innovation & Policy Acceleration introducing two of our strategic research themes: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability and Urban Sustainability.

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Climate interventions

Developing climate policies and interventions targeting behaviour, technology and society to achieve climate targets and net-zero energy. Includes household consumption and behavioural decisions in transport, food, shelter and decarbonisation in production and manufacturing processes.

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Urban sustainability

Empowering municipal scale and sub-national decision makers with the metrics and tools to coordinate investment and growth strategies for sustainable and resilient urban growth.

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Energy, equity and justice

Policies and actions that enable a global transition towards energy democracy, equity, and accountability between groups, geographies, species and future generations, with a movement from “this is a problem” towards equitable solutions.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) for sustainability

Examining the role and effectiveness of AI technologies for adaptation, mitigation and reversal of climate change and human survival. We explore AI as an enabling force, a systemic force and an accelerating force. We also practically advance the role of AI as a technology.

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and finance

Arming central banks, finance ministries, investors, funders and the media with innovative tools to identify, price, and manage nature-related financial risk.

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Planetary wealth

Empowering governments, companies, and organisations to develop and use wealth accounts to improve decision-making for growth and sustainability.